Jennifer Tong Sun

Jennifer Tong Sun

Company: US Pharmacopiea

Job title: Senior Scientist II


Quality Considerations of Plasmid DNA as a Starting Material for Cell and Gene Therapies 9:00 am

Present an overview of the USP general chapter <1040> and the process for creating the chapter Describe the requirements for key quality attributes recommended for plasmids  Discuss the best practices for the manufacturing of plasmids following feedback from the industryRead more

day: Conference Day Two

Mastermind Discussion: Addressing Burning Questions, Concerns, & Providing Clarity with Current Regulatory Guidelines for the Production of DNA as a Starting or Therapeutic Material 9:30 am

This unique session provides attendees with the chance to come together and discuss their greatest challenges and questions, and gain regulatory guidance on DNA production, both plasmid and cell-free. It is also your opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback on the regulatory guidelines discussed today.Read more

day: Conference Day Two

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